Arrival (Book 2)
By: Morgan Rice

Quick-take: Implausible, lazy writing.

Dan's Review

The aliens have arrived, and the kids must find them in the most implausible way possible. Where to begin... Is this Sci-Fi or Fantasy, or is it a blend of both? I am not exactly sure. It is bad sci-fi and fantasy. We basically have scientists, kids, and zombies going on now.

Every single incident has a convenient escape. A new character is introduced with the exact skill set needed at the exact time needed, and then that character is conveniently discarded.

Kids: "We need a scientist to accomplish this thing we know nothing about!"

Random Character emerges: "Why, hello there, kids. I am NASA scientist X. Sure, I can do the thing. Just give me 25 seconds to rig something up that will work the very first try."

Kids: "Thanks! Come along with us. We need your help!"

Random Character emerges: "No, I better not go. That will complicate the story. Bye!"

End Scene. A few chapters later...

Kids: "We need someone to do this very difficult science thing!"

Random Character emerges: "Why, hello there, kids. I got admitted to an elite college at age 16, and I like to dabble in the very specialized science stuff you need."

Kids: "Can you do the thing?"

Random Character emerges: "Sure, just give me 25 seconds, and I will get it the first try."

Kids: "Thanks! Come along with us. We need your help!"

Random Character emerges: "No, I better not go. I don't want to complicate the story. Bye!"

End Scene. Repeat.

This keeps happening throughout the book and at the very beginning of the book. A new main character was introduced early on with the exact skills needed later: Cloe. I could not figure out her purpose. I thought it was just to add tension to the Kevin+Luna dynamic, and it does happen too often than not. However, as the book progressed, I now saw her real reason. Somehow, Cloe has skills in car-jacking, sailing, and street fighting. Go figure. Perhaps the add-and-discard character cycle got too much even for the author, so Cloe was added.

Of course, there is the "I must go alone" hero speech trope. It was also bad. Has that speech ever ended with the other characters saying, "Yes, you are correct. Go alone!" ? Supposedly, the end of the world is at stake. After going this far, why would anybody agree to go away? If Kevin fails, they all die anyway. Also, go away... to where? Their homes are gone. It was bad. Oh, btw. Kevin is still dying. Book has to remind because he sure seems pretty spry. All this is happening within his 5 months lifespan. Score 2/5. Boo.

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